Central Alberta Drug Treatment Court celebrates one year anniversary
The Central Alberta Drug Treatment Court (CADTC) has celebrated their one-year anniversary.
The CADTC is a pre-sentence justice alternative for individuals facing charges driven by active addiction. The evidence-based program integrates court intervention and treatment services, including medical, social and mental health supports, to help change patterns and behaviours associated with addiction and crime.
“Our goal is for participants to have a better life free from crime and active addiction,” said Trish McAllister-Hall, CADTC Program Manager. “Our intensive five-phase program offers focused residential and community-based treatment, helps to address physical, psycho-social and behavioural health needs, supports to obtain employment or education, and transition into the community. By providing the right type and intensity of services to meet each individual’s needs, we are already seeing participants transform their lives – reconnect with family and children, give back to their community through volunteer work, and end the chaotic cycle of addiction, crime and incarceration that has plagued their lives.”
McAllister-Hall confirmed that currently, the CADTC has nine participants, four women and five men, ranging from 33-58 years old, at various phases of the program.