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Near Wadey Centre

Blackfalds town council supports proposed project for first miniature golf course

Sep 14, 2022 | 2:53 PM

Council in the Town of Blackfalds voiced in unanimous support on Monday, a proposed project for their first miniature golf course.

At their meeting on September 13, Rick Kreklewich, Director of Community Services, presented the idea to council.

According to the meeting agenda, Christopher Johnson, Economic Development Officer, approached the Blackfalds District Ag Society, a not-for-profit community focused organization, proposing a full-size miniature golf course using the land north-east of the Wadey Visitor Information Centre, while still maintaining the existing landscape, pathways, and structures.

The report states, the Visitor Economy in Blackfalds has become a priority, particularly regarding the desire to increase activity in the area of the Wadey Centre, located directly adjacent to the All-Star Park and the campground, two key visitor attractions in the town.

Johnson believes the mini-golf course would add to the quality of life for residents and bring revenue to the town from visitors utilizing hotels, campgrounds, retail stores, restaurants, and other businesses.

He claims the project has already received support from the Economic Development and Tourism Advisory Committee and the Ag Society, who also said they would help in acquiring capital and possible ongoing funding for the project. Johnson says they have looked at the possibility of a “Town & Country” theme using modular components for easy rearranging.

Proposed area in red for the Blackfalds miniature golf course. Rick Kreklewich, Director of Community Services, says the course would take only a portion of this area. (Blackfalds town council agenda Sept. 13 p.6)

Discussions have also already taken place with some potential interested funding and development partners, according to the report, and research has been made for grant opportunities.

The Blackfalds District Ag Society Miniature Golf Course would become the second mini-golf course in the County of Lacombe.

Councillor Rebecca Steddie voiced concern that the proposed location is in the same spot as the Denise Nielsen Memorial Park, opened in 2018 in honor of the long-time resident and involved community member.

READ: Blackfalds celebrates Denise Nielsen Memorial Park

“When I attended that grand opening, I listened to very heartfelt speeches from her family about the significance of that peaceful park and what it meant to them and what it should mean to the community based off of all of the volunteering and impact that she had on Blackfalds. While I love the idea, I’m not sure that this is the place for that unless her family has supported,” she said.

Kreklewich stated the mini-golf course would take a small portion of the area, using the Lakeside Go-Karts & Mini-Golf course in Sylvan Lake as an example for how compact the course may be.

Councillor Laura Svab suggested moving the course father east as the area is less developed. Councillor Marina Appel voiced concern over its proximity to the RV dump station, located north-east of the Wadey Centre. Councillor Brenda Dennis questioned if the ball park’s fences would need to be raised due to the courses proposed vicinity.

Kreklewich said with council’s support of the overall idea, they would work with administration over the next four months to iron out details, look at alternative locations and funding streams.

“Knowing that this is something that we’re exploring without committing to a specific plan, I do agree that we can definitely make better use of the Wadey Centre in terms of tourism. That’s what the whole point of that facility and investment in that facility was,” said Mayor Jamie Hoover.

The cost estimate of the project is $310,000. The report states a grant funding application has been submitted to UFA Rural Communities Foundation by the Blackfalds District Ag Society in the amount of $100,000. It says the project also qualifies under the province’s Community Facility Enhancement Program. Capital funding required by the Municipality is estimated at $55,000.