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Design for potential strip mall in Capstone area on 5441 45 St. by architect Isaac Martinez of Berry Architecture and Associates. (Isaac Martinez)
Changing Riverlands Area Redevelopment Plan

Red Deer city council approves site exception for potential strip mall in Capstone

Sep 13, 2022 | 2:18 PM

Red Deer city council passed second and third reading of a site exception in the Capstone neighborhood for a potential strip mall.

At Monday’s meeting, council passed the Land Use Bylaw Amendment as the proposed project did not meet development standards according to the vision and design intent outlined in the Riverlands Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) as a mixed-use, high density, urban neighborhood with a visual aesthetic and physical experience geared towards a pedestrian oriented community.

The L-shaped single storey structure proposed by East Lincoln Properties for a strip mall at 5441 45 St. would contain front parking.

The Land Use Bylaw (LUB) for Riverlands Taylor-Drive District contains policies such as a minimum of two storey structures, a front façade running the entire length of the frontage and surface parking no greater than 40 per cent of the frontage.

READ: Strip mall proposed at Capstone location, request for site exception

At their August 15 meeting, council passed first reading and directed administration to work with the developer to find alternatives matching the LUB.

At the Public Hearing on September 12, Tanya Kure, Director of Property Development for East Lincoln Properties, said repositioning the L-shaped building to have the parking in the back would reduce visibility for those businesses from the street.

Council also questioned if the developer would be willing to wait until November as the City is scheduled to submit a review of the Capstone District as a whole for potential amendments to its design policies. Kure responded they could not wait as they currently have a conditional offer on the land, vacant since 2008, with the land owner. She also said that no tenants have reached out yet to lease the property.

Davin Kemshead, Realtor for Salomons Commercial and part of the pre-planning stage for the building design, stated the strip mall could not be two storeys as there would not be sufficient parking for all tenants. He also said the Capstone area is in high demand as he has been receiving numerous calls and he anticipates space will fill up quickly.

Council proposed residential suites on top of the strip mall to accommodate the two-storey height. Although Kure said roughly eight suites could fit, the strip mall’s architect, Isaac Martinez from Berry Architecture and Associates, said it would add more need for parking.

City administration confirmed that since the ARP was created in 2016, no developments have been made in the area. However, City Manager Tara Lodewyk said many existing buildings have made exterior adjustments and renovations to align with the vision’s design.

Mayor Ken Johnston and Councillor Dianna Wyntjes, who were both part of the creation of the Riverlands ARP, both approved the request.

Councillor Kraymer Barnstable said the presentation was compelling.

“Sometimes I think that we can get stuck in a vision and a vision can become a dream,” he said. “We can be stuck 20-30 years from now still saying ‘this is our vision’ but it could still be empty spaces.”

Councillors Cindy Jefferies and Lawrence Lee were the two against the request.

“This is a once-in-a-lifetime to redevelop your riverfront. To redevelop an area like this that’s such a gem within the community. So I think it’s important for us to hold onto that vision but also be clear how that vision fits within current times,” said Jefferies. “We’re talking about shaping the future; we’re talking about transition. It doesn’t always happen all of that fast.”

Lodewyk reminded council that their decision was specifically for the site exception for the land, not the strip mall itself. She advised that the final decision as to the specifics of the development are up to the developer and may change in the future.