Red Deer city council releases confidential information on permanent shelter
In the name of transparency, Red Deer city council approved the releasing of additional information on the permanent shelter project and a one month extension to complete a public Engagement Plan.
At Monday’s meeting, council approved administration’s recommendation to release information from all 13 prior In Camera Meetings over the past year from April 29, 2021 to January 10, 2022. The nearly 250-page report contains items such as council reports, presentations made by administration, and letters to and from the province.
“We believe that providing more information about the steps taken so far will help the public develop a better understanding of the need for a shelter in our community and want to stay engaged throughout the project process going forward,” said Mayor Ken Johnston.
The City says they enacted the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act throughout the process to protect government to government relations, advice from officials and the recommendations and advice that could be expected to result in financial loss.