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Building permit values in Red Deer continue climb in July

Aug 16, 2021 | 10:53 AM

Building permits values continue to rise in Red Deer this summer, with an increase of $4.1 million in July 2021 compared to July 2020.

A total of 94 permits were approved valued at $9.4 million this past month, compared to 99 permits issued last July worth $5.3 million.

Year-to-year permits, however, remain lower this year compared to last, with current values at $78.6 million compared with $102.3 million during the same period last year, a difference of $23.7 million.

Notable permits include:

· A $4.09 million building permit for an expansion of an existing fire training tower located at 4343 78 street crescent.

· A $980,000 permit for the demolition of an existing building and trailer, as well as to rebuild a new 429.58 square-metre industrial building at 4310 77 street.

· Demolition of a single family house with attached garage, basement development covered and uncovered deck at 3745 44 avenue, valued at $259,216.

· Tenant improvements for a veterinary clinic at 7101 50 avenue, valued at $250,000.