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(Photo: The Market at Red Deer Facebook page)
same Restrictions in place

The Market at Red Deer set to open for 51st season

May 18, 2021 | 4:45 PM

This Saturday will mark the official opening of the 51st season of The Market at Red Deer, better known as the Red Deer Farmers’ Market.

Co-manager Patrick Moffat says they’ll once again open on the Saturday of May Long Weekend (May 22) as per tradition despite lingering concerns posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We thought we would be in a better place by now, but luckily, we’re still able to open,” he says.

“We’ve had the opportunity to discuss it with Alberta Health Services and no further restrictions were required. So we’re going forward with the same protocols we operated with last year.”

Those measures include mandatory mask-wearing and at least two metres’ physical distance between patrons who are not in your household or ‘bubble.’ There will also be one entrance only, at the pedestrian crossing at the big red “Red Deer” sign in front of the Servus Arena, and only one exit across from the tennis bubble.

“It’s something we had to do to keep the market open. I think over the course of the summer, we’ll see some of those protocols relaxed and we’ll be enjoying it a little bit more,” says Moffatt.

“We’ve asked all vendors if it’s possible to have those hand sanitizers at their tables, and that they mark an area in front of their booth, so if they have a lineup, that people maintain the six-foot distance and we give them some chalk to do that.”

Moffat also points out that most vendors will continue to operate with cash transactions, though ATMs will be on-site.

“It’s just that we have to take a little more effort in making sure that when we’re dealing with cash, that we wash our hands well, before and afterwards of course, just to keep yourself and everyone else clean.”

The market opens at 8:00 a.m. and runs until 12:30 p.m. each Saturday, rain or shine, from the Victoria Day weekend in May to Thanksgiving weekend in October.

Moffat reminds all patrons to have fun, but to be especially patient and respectful during these trying times for everyone.

“Some have had the opportunity to be vaccinated and some haven’t. We’re all in this together and let’s just play safe,” urges Moffat. “If people ask you to maintain a distance, just be kind and back up. We’ve been at this for over 50 years now and we think there’s a reason for it, because the people of Red Deer are great and I think it will show at this market.”

“We’re happy that it’s open,” adds Moffat. “Just be thankful that it’s open, try to obey the rules and I think we’ll all be happy.”