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A rendering of what the new Leslieville Public Services Building will look like. (Clearwater County)
New Fire Station

50-year-old fire station in Leslieville being replaced

Jun 18, 2020 | 1:47 PM

Officials say a new $4.32 million fire hall in Leslieville will be a huge benefit to local firefighting efforts.

Clearwater County Council gave the go ahead on June 9 for administration to begin negotiations with Ledcor Construction Ltd. to build a new public service building and fire station in Leslieville.

The 3-bay, 12,000 sq. ft. building is expected to be completed by December to replace the current building that was built in 1972.

The new Leslieville building comes after the new Condor public service building, which is located 11 kilometres away, just had its grand opening on November 19, 2019.

Clearwater Regional Fire Chief Steve Debienne says the new fire stations come from extensive study and review from the public and firefighting personnel going dating back to 2008.

The idea to build just one new fire hall for the area was looked into in April 2018 as a way to save on operating and maintenance costs. But it was decided the extra cost for the second station was worth it, as having just one would potentially affect response times.

The new fire hall in Leslieville will be built smaller than the one in Condor in a move the county says will save about $800,000.

It was also believed that 2 separate stations would have a “social benefit.”

“Council is aiming to foster and build ‘community identity’ in their growth hamlets, one that goes hand in hand with new school construction in both Condor and Leslieville, and ensure adequate fire and rescue services for the Northern and Eastern quadrants of Clearwater County,” Reeve Timothy Hoven stated in a media release.

“The new multi-use building, which includes the fire service facility, will be built to meet the legislative occupational health and safety requirements for a new fire station,” Debienne had said in regards to the building meeting the new standards.

“Most importantly it will have a decontamination area as well as equipment and gear storage outside of the fire bays, away from the trucks exhaust which will reduce the exposure to cancer causing carcinogens.”

In 2019, Clearwater County also ordered another fire engine for the Leslieville station which was to be delivered by late 2020, but may be delayed due to COVID-19.

Clearwater Regional Fire Services is hoping the new station will also help with future firefighter recruitment.