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(Photo: The Canadian Press)
more firefighters, fire bans, bigger fines

Alberta government announces new measures to reduce human-caused wildfires

Apr 14, 2020 | 11:45 AM

Alberta Wildfire is hiring 200 additional firefighters, invoking a fire ban, implementing off-highway vehicle (OHV) restrictions, increasing fine violations and funding $20 million more in community FireSmart initiatives, all to prepare for the upcoming wildfire season during COVID-19.

Alberta Parks is also instituting a fire ban in all provincial parks and protected areas.

Devin Dreeshen, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry announced the investments on Tuesday, saying these early preparedness measures will ensure Alberta can effectively focus resources where they are needed most in the event of multiple emergencies happening at the same time.

“With Alberta’s wildfire season matching with the expected peak of COVID-19, we have to take extra precautions to ensure our response efforts are well-funded and planned out,” says Dreeshen. “This spring, we may find ourselves facing multiple disasters at once. With all these measures, we will be prepared.”

Alberta’s wildfire hazard is typically highest in late April through May, when fuel like trees and grasses have extremely low moisture content after the snow has melted.

More than a million acres burned last year and 71 per cent of wildfires, officials note, were “human-caused and entirely preventable.”

An additional $5 million investment is being made to hire and train 200 high-quality firefighters to assist with the provincial wildfire suppression this season. More than 800 seasonal firefighters will join 370 year-round staff at Alberta Wildfire. These resources are hired at one of the 10 Forest Areas, and are moved throughout the Forest Protection Area as required.

A fire ban in the Forest Protection Area, provincial parks and protected areas, as well as a recreational OHV ban on Crown land in the Forest Protection Area, will come into effect Wednesday (April 15). Alberta’s Forest Protection Area covers almost 60 per cent of Alberta, most of the northern half of the province and the western border, excluding federal parks.

“The government recognizes that many Albertans use OHVs and respects this valid activity. At the same time, the government must take into account limitations and manage risk due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Hot mufflers can potentially start wildfires,” the province says in a release.

The fire ban and OHV restriction are temporary will remain in place only as long as required to combat the wildfire risk. Government official say measures may later be adjusted to take into account the needs of specific regions.

All fire permits will be suspended in this area, and landowners are responsible for ensuring any holdover fires are extinguished by this time.

Indigenous people may use OHVs on public land for traditional purposes. Use of OHVs on private lands, for industrial use (for example forestry, agriculture and energy) and by emergency responders is also permitted.

Fines are being doubled from $300 to $600 for non-compliance with a fire ban and from $600 to $1,200 for non-compliance with an OHV restriction.

“Individuals found contravening a fire ban or OHV restriction will be subject to increased fines, starting April 15, and could be held liable for all costs associated with fighting a wildfire,” the province said, noting that more than $600 million was spent fighting wildfires in Alberta last year.

These fines are in addition to the existing penalties for arson under the Criminal Code.

FireSmart, which helps to reduce the wildfire risk to Albertans, their homes and communities, will receive a funding boost of up to $20 million to support vegetation management. The FireSmart program includes grants to support the most at-risk communities in Alberta, including Indigenous communities.