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Request For Proposals

Clearwater County taking next step towards new public services building in Leslieville

Mar 26, 2020 | 2:09 PM

Clearwater County council has taken another step towards the construction of a new public services building in Leslieville.

On Tuesday, council approved proceeding with the tendering of Phase 1 of the project, which includes grading for the Leslieville lands, advertising a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a three or five bay building option, along with developing a plan for paving, grading and completing Phase 2 and Phase 3 as additional information becomes available.

County officials note grading for Phase 2 includes access road construction and drainage, but excludes an internal access road and water main at this time.

As previously approved in the 2020 Capital Budget, the Leslieville Public Services Building is estimated to cost about $4.6 million and hoped to be both similar and complimentary to the public services building in Condor.

According to County documents, Phase 1 consists of the building site, parking area, and fire pond totaling over seven acres in size.

It’s anticipated Phase 2 would consist of further site grading on 12 acres of land, concrete surfacing of lands that may also contain a new fire hall and fire training area/tower.

Phase 3 consists of future parks and sports fields on over eight acres of land, with the potential for future community uses in partnership with Wild Rose School Division. However, pricing for Phase 3 has not been projected, as scope of the work has yet to be determined.

Following a three week advertising period for the RFP, County officials anticipate needing two more weeks to review the proposals before they return to council in late April or early May.