Alberta Budget commits $7M for Red Deer emergency shelter
The latest provincial budget contains more good news for Red Deer in the form of a $7 million commitment for a 160-bed, 24/7 shelter.
The item included in the budget tabled Thursday reads, “The government commits $7 million in the 2020 Capital Plan for the Red Deer Integrated Emergency Shelter to address the urgent need for a larger, more functional and integrated shelter to accommodate the current demand for shelter spaces throughout the year.”
“A 24-7 emergency shelter is one of Red Deer’s most critical social infrastructure needs,” Mayor Tara Veer said in a statement. “Over the past few years, shelter beds were full, at times overflow beds were full, and daytime warming was full. This social crisis has manifested itself in rough sleeper camps causing significant safety and other challenges throughout our community.
Veer says the budget commitment marks the beginning of resolution to some of the social conditions our community has contended with for many years, and a long-term solution for Red Deer’s most vulnerable citizens.