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Development Plan

Nordegg getting a little bigger

Dec 11, 2019 | 2:54 PM

Another big step towards completing Clearwater County’s Nordegg development plan came Tuesday as council passed second and third readings to amend the land use bylaw.

“Enhance existing hamlets as community focal points by encouraging and providing opportunities for locally appropriate residential and economic expansion,” as stated in the County’s development plan.

This will rezone a 7.83 acre agriculture district to a manufactured home district in Nordegg.

The land, located just east of town, will then be subdivided into 30 fully serviced residential parcels that will range in size from 3706 square feet to 7007 square feet that will house either single or double wide manufactured homes.

Designated land for new Manufactured Home District.

The county intends to install partial screening from the Quarry Road that runs along the new site and to leave a parcel of green space to mitigate noise and visual impact.

During the meeting, Councillor Theresa Laing expressed concerns she’d heard from residents over the size of the lots.

“The lots may be too small for residents to store their toys, like boats and quads,” she said.

Director of Planning Keith McCrae told her that land in Nordegg is at such a high premium that storage lots would most likely be placed in the industrial area on the Forestry Trunk Road.

“I’m just worried that if they’re too small we may not have buyers,” Laing reiterated.

“We believe this will be good affordable housing, it may not sell the first year, but we’re confident,” responded McCrae, “we won’t move ahead with construction until we know the market is there.”

Ideas were floated around between administration and council from allowing someone to purchase two side by side lots or building a road to better connect to the possible future storage lots in the industrial area.

Administration said that these were all scenarios that could be looked at.

Senior Planner Jose Reyes affirmed that the lots could be available for purchase by February.