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(rdnewsNOW/Troy Gillard)

WATCH: Fiery simulation shows how home sprinkler systems save lives

Oct 6, 2019 | 8:03 PM

A stunning simulation Sunday afternoon showed the life-saving value of having a sprinkler system in your home.

The event hosted by Red Deer County Fire Services featured a side-by-side simulation of a bedroom fire. One room was equipped with a sprinkler system while the other was not.

The room without a sprinkler system was completely engulfed in flames within seven minutes.

Scott Tuton, Fire Inspector for Red Deer County Fire Services, notes that it takes city and rural fire crews anywhere from nine to 12 minutes to arrive at the scene of a call.

Contrarily, the room with a sprinkler system was largely saved after the sprinkler activated in less than four minutes.

β€œIt put the fire out before it even spread. It did its job,” Tuton pointed out.

Tuton says it costs about $1.50 per square foot to install a residential sprinkler system.

Sprinkler systems are currently only mandatory for commercial buildings, but Tuton foresees them also becoming mandatory for new homes within the next 5-10 years.

The demonstration in a parking at Red Deer College was funded in part by the Canadian Home Sprinkler Association.

This week is Fire Prevention Week in Canada.