Central Alberta crops looking good this year
The latest crop report from Alberta Agriculture and AFSC says cooler than normal temperatures have prevailed in the past month across most of Alberta resulting in a slight setback of approximately a week for many fields.
Provincially, ‘good and excellent conditions’ ratings for all crops is four points above the five year average of 66 per cent. This is a result of Central and North West regions being significantly above the five year average offsetting the South and Peace regions that are currently rated below the five year average ratings for good and excellent condition.
In the Central Region, overall crop conditions are reported to be 22 per cent ahead of the five-year average of 60 per cent ‘good and excellent.’
Spring cereals are predominantly in the head emergence stages while well over 75 per cent of Canola, Mustard, Field Peas, Lentils and Chickpeas are flowering.