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open for canada day

Ponoka Splash Park improvements completed

Jun 29, 2019 | 10:01 AM

Thanks to the hard work of Town staff and contractors, underground improvements are now completed at the Ponoka Splash Park and the facility is open and ready for families and children to enjoy over the Canada Day long weekend!

The improvements to the Splash Park include a new underground water service, mechanical and electrical upgrades and new nozzle jets for the Splash Park play features. “With these improvements in place, Splash Park users will enjoy a significantly improved user experience,” says Tim Schmidt, General Manager of Planning and Infrastructure at the Town of Ponoka. He notes the improvements eliminate the need for daily maintenance interruptions at the facility, resulting in increased service levels.

“The Town would like to thank Splash Park users for their patience while these improvements were being completed. The project experienced some rain delays but Town staff and contractors worked hard to complete the improvements as quickly as possible in order to ensure the facility opened in time for the long weekend,” says Schmidt.

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