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long time coming

Red Deer grandmother completes high school, graduating 47 years later

Jun 25, 2019 | 8:41 PM

It’s common for a grandmother and grandson to have a special bond and to share many cherished memories. But for Heidi Cowell, 64, and her grandson Carter Cowell, 18, their bond is unique as they shared in one of the most momentous and celebrated occasions together – crossing the graduation stage together.

Heidi was scheduled to graduate in 1972, but dropped out in May of her graduating year after getting engaged in January of the same year. Times were different then, and Heidi didn’t graduate since she was getting married later that summer.

Life carried on and Heidi had a family, worked and raised a family, many of those years as a single parent.

Her grandson Carter started attending North Cottage, an alternative high school program within Red Deer Public Schools. With Red Deer Public’s priority of success and completion, Heidi was encouraged to come back and finish high school.

“My three grandsons have, or are, all attending North Cottage and I got to know the staff there. At one of the school meetings I nonchalantly made a remark that I had always wanted to go back and get my diploma. Evelyn, one of the teachers asked me why I didn’t,” said Heidi. “Last June, because of them putting many wheels into motion, one thing led to another and I became a high school student. I had watched my grandsons persevere through their many struggles from both physical and mental illness and was inspired by all they had and continue to accomplish. I wanted them to see me live the old cliche, ‘it is never too late.’ That you should always persevere, face your fears, challenge yourself and go for what is important to you.”

Heidi enrolled in summer school in 2018 and took some forensics courses. Last September, she enrolled in North Cottage and has been a student there ever since.

“I feel like I just walked in and I fit in. The kids have been so welcoming, so warm and included me. I had experienced many of the things they are going through when I was a teenager and I am very open and honest about my life. It’s been wonderful. I am going to be very sad to leave actually.”

Being in the same classes as Carter has made going back to school and extra special experience.

“My grandsons have been my biggest cheerleaders and with the encouragement and support of my family along with that of Lisa, Evelyn and Jeanette at North Cottage, I did it and am graduating from high school in June, 47 years after I should have.”

For Carter, he appreciated having his grandmother by his side.

“It feels good to be graduating this year. It’s pretty awesome to see my Grannie graduate – people don’t get to say that about their grandmas,” he said. “Seeing her push herself to this degree is pretty cool. It’s been awesome being at the same school as her because it has helped me personally with my efforts. My Grannie has helped to boost my confidence.”

Heidi encourages others to reach for their dreams.

“What I would say to others is, go for it, whatever your ‘it’ is. You may be surprised at what you will accomplish and where your perseverance may lead you. Had I not, I would have missed out on some amazing experiences this past year,” she said. “I made new friendships with both staff and students. I am able to say that I attended high school with all three of my grandsons and I get to graduate with one of them, and I discovered that you are never too old to learn. Did I face challenges? Yes! The word ‘test’ still fills me with dread and anxiety. I can’t tell you how many times I second guessed myself. But most of all I learned so much about myself. How can that be anything but positively wonderful?”

Heidi is currently taking college courses to become an Educational Assistant and she has been hired by Red Deer Public as a sub EA.

(Erin Black)