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Red Deer Arts Council and Red Deer Public Library present- DisBound: Works by Kim Bruce

Jun 24, 2019 | 7:06 AM

RED DEER- The DisBound exhibit opened on June 17 and runs until August 17 in the Kiwanis Gallery.

The exhibition is about education for girls, and boys too, but mostly girls, who, due to tradition or religion, don’t get to choose.

They are married off as soon as they hit puberty and often they are left to fend for themselves and their children because of war, strife, or circumstance.

DisBound is a bookbinding term that means to remove the book pages from its bindings.

It is also a metaphor for removing girls from the bonds of tradition so they can get an education.

The work in the exhibit is full of visual puns, double entendre, symbolism and satire.

“As with all my work, this series of books, references the dichotomy of my early life expectations to conform to a traditional woman’s role, when in fact, a reality for me, was the need to be self-sufficient and support myself as an entrepreneur and business owner. These contradictions allow me to expose my private self through veiled metaphor, creating objects significant beyond function. The under-laying message – the essence of my work – speaks to the roles and rights of girls and women.­­“
Kim Bruce

The First Friday Opening will be held at the Kiwanis Gallery on July 5 from 6 to 8 p.m. and Kim Bruce will be in attendance.