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Landscaping Incentives

City announces mulch and plant rebate programs

Jun 12, 2019 | 1:20 PM

The City of Red Deer is offering a limited number of rebates of 50% (up to $50) of the purchase price for permeable mulch, and 50% (up to $50) of the purchase price of plants that are native to the area and/or drought-tolerant.

“We want Red Deerians to plant smart by planning what species of plant they will use in their home landscaping and where they will plant them,” said Katina Tam, Environmental Program Specialist. “Saving water is good for everyone and using permeable mulch and the right plants, is an effective way to save water while keeping your yard healthy and full.”

For a number of years, water conservation has been a focus area for The City. These rebates are the latest incentive programs to encourage citizens to join our water conservation efforts.