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Tax Rates

Minimal tax rate increase for Innisfail

May 17, 2019 | 9:18 AM

Innisfail residents can expect to see only a nominal property tax increase this year.

On Monday, council approved the Town’s 2019 Property Tax Rate Bylaw, which sees a slight increase from 2018 municipal residential mill rates.

Officials say residential property bills will most likely reflect a minor increase, if any, depending on their 2019 assessment value.

During 2019 budget deliberations, a 1.0 per cent residential rate increase was approved by council which was later adjusted to 1.5 per cent to offset lower than anticipated property value assessments calculated after deliberations had closed.

“We’ve worked hard to keep residential tax rates relatively stable,” says Mayor Jim Romane. in a press release. “Despite the difficult economic conditions we’re facing, we’ve been able to minimize the impact on our residents.”

Officials point-out the average residential home assessed at $332,994 will see a $12.11 increase annually.

Commercial mill rates will see the 1.0 per cent increase as proposed in the budget, and school taxes will not increase from 2018 rates.

Mill Rates 2018 2019
Residential 6.5111 6.6088
Non-Residential 8.0739 8.1546
Machinery & Equipment 8.0739 8.1546
School – Residential 2.6154 2.6154
School-Non-Residential 3.7534 3.7534
Senior Foundation .0195 .0195

Taxes must be paid on or before June 30.

(With files from the Town of Innisfail)