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Power Outages

Electric, Light & Power crews address pair of outages

May 13, 2019 | 10:29 AM

Electric, Light and Power crews with The City of Red Deer continue working on an underground power line Monday after some equipment issues that began on Sunday night.

Jim Jorgensen, EL & P Manager, says the first of the two unrelated incidents began around 8:15 p.m. when crews received notification that a breaker had opened, affecting about 1,000 customers.

“It served areas in Oriole Park, along 67 Street, some of Riverside Meadows and up into the Johnstone area,” says Jorgensen. “Crews responded, checked the lines, didn’t find anything and we closed everything back in and restored power by about 8:30 p.m., so about a 15 minute interruption for everyone. Crews this morning found that it was a blown fuse in an industrial area that we’ve since repaired and got a business back online.”

Jorgensen says a problem with an underground cable then began soon afterwards in Highland Green along 59 Avenue, affecting between 20-30 customers in a group of fourplexes.

“Crews located which piece of cable is at fault, we’ve restored power temporarily while we work on longer-term fixes,” he explains. “The nature of underground power issues can mean sometimes that the fix or the repair goes a little bit longer than a typical overhead, so it could take us a while to get things back to normal. We’re likely looking at doing the final repairs tomorrow (Tuesday).”

Jorgensen reminds residents to report all incidents of power interruptions or downed power lines so crews can respond and get it repaired as soon as possible.

Call 403-342-8274 or after office hours at 403-348-5700.