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Youth in Philanthropy

St. Martin de Porres students give back

May 1, 2019 | 2:45 PM

On April 30, 2019 Grade 5 students from St. Martin de Porres School presented multiple cheques to various local organizations after participating in the Youth in Philanthropy program through the Red Deer Community Foundation (RDCF).

A representative from the RDCF helped teach Grade 5 students about charity, community and the purpose of philanthropy. The RDCF has never had an elementary school participate in this initiative before, so it was quite a special project for everyone involved.

The RDCF gave the students $500 to donate to a charity of their choice, but there was a catch. The students must organize a fundraising event in which they would have to make $250 to give back to the RDCF for their endowment fund to further other projects.

After listening to the Development Manager from Red Deer College, and after researching local charities, students developed short presentations that they delivered, “Dragon’s Den” style to their classmates. Students voted on a charity to give the $500 to and the Central Alberta Humane Society was the clear winner.

From there, students held a Spring Market to raise the $250 to give back to the RDCF. Students raised over $700 smashing their original goal. Because of the extra funds raised, students decided to split the remaining money between two other charities, Off The Wall Animal Rescue and Smiles Thru Lindsey which both received $230.

“Being part of this valuable learning experience allowed our Grade 5 students an opportunity to learn about the needs in our city as well as fiscal responsibility. Further, it enabled them to show empathy and kindness by giving back and being a light for others in our community,” said Kristie McCullough, Assistant Principal at St. Martin de Porres School.

(Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools)