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Council Briefs

Jarvis Bay, Norglenwold added to Innisfail’s Regional Emergency Plan

Mar 28, 2019 | 7:02 PM

The summer villages of Jarvis Bay and Norglenwold near Sylvan Lake will now be part of the Town of Innisfail’s Regional Emergency Plan.

This after Innisfail Town council approved during their regular meeting this week, requests from both communities to be added to the Plan.

Formally adopted in April of 2017, Innisfail’s Regional Emergency Plan currently includes the communities of Innisfail, Red Deer County, Sylvan Lake, Bowden, Elnora, Delburne, and Penhold.

According to Town officials, Red Deer County has informally discussed the requests with council and are in agreement the two summer villages be added to the Plan.

Other members said to be in agreement the two summer villages be added include Penhold, Sylvan Lake and Elnora.

Officials point-out the Regional Emergency Plan is seen as mutually beneficial to all members, and increasing membership demonstrates continued collaboration with neighboring communities.

Elsewhere, Innisfail council has approved Phase 2 of the Town’s Wayfinding Signage project with some changes recommended by Administration.

Officials say there are a total of 18 signs at various locations around Town that help to identify a variety of locations in the community, with the design that has been created for each sign tying-in to the theme of Phase 1.

Recommended changes include an electronic entrance sign, a sign at the entrance of Highway 54 and 42 Street, a sign at the curling rink, replace the community billboard sign along 42 Street by the pool with a new community billboard sign and remove two signs for trails.

Officials say those would be replaced in a new project for wayfinding trail signage that would include and encompass all trail signs, as recommended in the Town’s Trail Master Plan which will come back for council’s consideration in the 2020 budget.

Town officials say costs for the project will be determined through a tendering process.

Also of note, Innisfail council has approved the installation of CCTV security cameras at Centennial Park.

In February 2018, council received a delegation who expressed concerns regarding anti-social behavior in the parking lot of Centennial Park, suggesting the provision of a gate.

Administration looked at the statistics from both Municipal enforcement and RCMP and found little to no recorded activity/ complaints.

Then in December of 2018, council received an update on the activity indicating that proactive patrols by RCMP and Municipal Enforcement had found little activity, noting kids having hot dog roasts, kids visiting and hanging out but no evidence of alcohol and drugs.

However, Town officials say RCMP recommended the installation of CCTV security cameras in the area as there is evidence these units reduce crime, promote good behaviors, and assist enforcement practices.

Officials say the initiative will be funded up to a maximum of $8,000 from the Town’s 2019 contingency budget.