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Alberta Party’s Paul Hardy: Transparency and logic will boost campaign

Mar 25, 2019 | 12:02 PM

Paul Hardy says, first and foremost, hospital expansion in Red Deer needs addressing.

A medical director in the AHS Central Zone, Hardy is the Alberta Party’s candidate in Red Deer-North for the April 16 provincial election.

“Hospital expansion is a critical issue that not all parties have lined up and committed to, but we have,” he points out.

“My colleagues and I have come across some very interesting, but troubling statistics about how conservative governments have spent money on health infrastructure, then how the NDP has spent money on health infrastructure, and clearly central Alberta has been neglected.”

Hardy explains where his party, which sits near the centre of the political spectrum, differs philosophically from the others.

“The NDP have had a big imbalance in spending and revenue, which has to be addressed, whereas Jason Kenney’s party is more focused just on the spending side,” he explains. “I think Albertans will realize you don’t have to simply cut to balance the budget. You can be sensible and spend money wisely.”

Most of all, Hardy says the Alberta Party cares about looking after society’s most vulnerable.

“For example, we don’t believe in providing subsidized daycare for every Albertan because those that can afford it can pay for it,” he says. “We think it’s far more sensible to target help to the most vulnerable, and then you have more money to run a balanced budget.”

For those who aren’t too familiar with the Alberta Party, he adds, the Stephen Mandel-lead team is not going to get mixed up in ideology-type politics.

“We are going to look at issues logically, transparently and make decisions that are consistent with a good vision of the province for the future,” Hardy says.

“If people take the time to learn more about us, I think they’ll be pleased with what we have to offer.”