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Red Deer County council approves modest base pay increase for mayor and councillors

Mar 14, 2025 | 4:10 PM

Red Deer County council has unanimously approved a 4.5 per cent increase to the base pay of its mayors and councillors, to go into effect for the next sitting council following the October municipal election.

The Council Remuneration Committee initially recommended a nine per cent increase to the base rate of pay, as well as to the per diem rate, for the 2025-2029 term.

The initial recommendation from the Council Remuneration Committee. (Red Deer County)

Alternatively, Coun. Dana Depalme put forward a motion proposing a 4.5 per cent increase to the base rate of pay and zero to the per diem, stating that in a lot of ways, council work is more of a part time than full time job.

“We’re walking the talk with this motion, in that times are very tough out there for our residents, and I believe we get well remunerated for what we do,” said Coun. Christine Moore in support of the motion.

Two amendments were proposed to modify Depalme’s motion. The first was to follow the committee’s recommendation of a nine per cent increase and was defeated 4-3, with outgoing Mayor Jim Wood and councillors Lonny Kennett and Connie Huelsman in favour.

The second amendment proposed following the nine per cent recommendation for the mayor’s pay, but keeping the councillor base pay increase at the 4.5 per cent. This amendment was also defeated, 5-2, with Wood and Massier in favour.

The original motion then passed unanimously during the regular meeting of council, which took place on March 11.

The last change to the base rate occurred ahead of the 2021 election, with no cost of living adjustments taking place since. The Council Remuneration Committee adds, elected officials are not employees and therefore do not benefit from health benefits or pensions.

A per diem can be claimed by a councillor when business takes them outside of Red Deer County, or for non-routine business.

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