Care for Newcomers event skates new residents into Canadian tradition
On January 2, Bower Ponds played host to a gliding group of newcomer Canadians who attended the Care for Newcomers’ annual Learn to Skate event.
Running for 14 years, the free event provides youth and their family who are new to Canada, with equipment and an afternoon of instruction in the basic skills of skating, all while enjoying a local gem and making community connections.
“We want them to see that they are welcome here, they can integrate, they can experience that cold outside. Experiencing the hot chocolate outside in the cold is something you usually don’t have back home, especially if you’re coming from a hot country,” explained Ola Zein Alabdin, a youth leader with the organization’s SNAP stream (Settlement for Newcomers Through Activities and Programs).
The event began in 2012 after a newcomer student shared their desire to learn how to skate. Organization officials say youth can easily feel too embarrassed to attempt skating with Canadian peers, and the program gives them an opportunity to learn without the pressure.