2024 wrap up: Ponoka County
With 2024 coming to a close, Ponoka County Reeve Paul McLauchlin is proud of his team’s success in “holding the line” this year amidst financial constraints caused, in part, by costs downloaded to municipalities from the province.
“I think we’ve done the best job we could as a team and ensured that we provided the best service to the good folks in Ponoka County and still remain to be one of the lowest taxes, if not the lowest, tax in the province of Alberta,” he said.
McLauchlin said changes to police funding, the intermunicipal collaboration frameworks and unpaid provincial property taxes have all put strain on the county, along with other municipalities in the province.
“That downloading has been pretty significant,” he reflected. “At the same time, the cost of infrastructure maintenance, the cost of maintaining the service levels we have has gotten way more expensive. That’s really been the biggest challenge, I think, to our municipality. Counties had a tough time maintaining that.”