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$5,000 Each

First round of Community Microgrants awarded to five agencies

Sep 30, 2024 | 9:00 AM

Through the Community Foundation’s new microgrants program, each of the following five agencies have received a $5,000 grant, for a total of $25,000 awarded.

Bashaw Youth Centre will use the grant to support their re-design efforts after shutting down during the pandemic. This funding will help the Bashaw Youth Centre to develop sustainability while navigating exponential uptake of their youth programming services and meet growing needs. Currently over 50 per cent of the Bashaw School (Kindergarten-Grade 9) population are accessing Bashaw Youth Foundation programming.

Francophonie Canadienne Plurielle (FRAP) will use their microgrant to help support their Summer Camp Program to assist French-speaking youth in their integration to life in Alberta by providing an immersive English language experience. The camp offers many dynamic and educational activities, and youth are exposed to new and exciting experiences and are offered opportunities to connect, build friendships and have fun. With this funding, the camp will be open to all French-speaking newcomer youth.

Red Deer Food Bank intends to purchase a translation tool that will afford frontline staff greater ease in communicating with clients. This tool will reduce the communication barriers that currently exist between food bank volunteers, staff, and clients with different languages speaking origins. It will also improve communication with people that have cognition, hearing and sight impairments, offering more dignity and ease to clients.

Red Deer Native Friendship Society is planning to support the development of their community based social enterprise: The Friendship Shop. Designed to support RDNFS’ programs through partnerships with local small businesses, artists, and organizations, The Friendship Shop would help to increase access to flexible funding streams, which allows for inclusive access to services and supports.

Red Deer Public Library received a grant to support the creation of a new Cree language and lessons program. This free program will be developed alongside Indigenous community leaders to ensure the program is culturally and age-appropriate, and will include stories, songs, activities and play, with opportunities for families to build community and be introduced to Cree language and culture. RDPL also plans to increase the Cree language materials collection as part of their efforts to support Indigenous culture through the promotion, teaching and reading of Cree language.

The Community Foundation is proud to support these important new programs and projects here in central Alberta.

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