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(Chinook's Edge School Division)
NDTR - Sept. 30

Chinook’s Edge grateful recipient of 10 years of shared wisdom from Elder John Sinclair

Sep 29, 2024 | 12:31 AM

As Truth and Reconciliation Day, on September 30, approaches Chinook’s Edge is reflecting on the journey it has taken to date and where it is going in the future.

In that reflection, division leaders are grateful for the wisdom, knowledge and support of Elder John Sinclair, who has been providing his guidance to the division for 10 years.

“He has brought Indigenous teachings, knowledge and connections to students and staff in Chinook’s Edge, helping staff and students connect with Indigenous ways of knowing and doing,” says Carolynne Muncer, Indigenous Learning Coordinator. “Students enjoy his humour. He makes everyone comfortable and he has a gentle and impactful influence.”

“We are incredibly grateful for the opportunities we have had to learn and work with Elder John,” says Muncer. “He always comes from a place of kindness and understanding, and he believes in what we are doing for students.”

“His intention is always to teach and to build compassion as we find the path forward. The division is a better place because of him,” she says. “He has a genuine desire to see the best in people. He has a beautiful heart and it just feels good to be in his presence.”

“I do it for my kids and for my grandchildren,” says John Sinclair. “I know there needs to be a change for the people of Canada.” Sinclair says, “I appreciate working with people who are open to learning. Chinook’s Edge has made me feel welcome and understood. They place value on cultural teachings.

“I am so proud of Chinook’s Edge for the strides they’ve taken. We’ve been working at this for a long time,” says Sinclair.

“I appreciate Elder Sinclair’s willingness to connect and build relationship,” says Karyn Barber, Associate Superintendent, Chinook’s Edge. “John is patient and knowledgeable, with a sense of humour that allows us to maintain optimism and hope. We are fortunate to have him give so generously of his time to our students and school staff as we further our learning and respond to the Calls to Action as a division.”

Chinook’s Edge School Division thanks Elder Sinclair, for all he’s given and shared with the division.

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