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Habitat for Humanity to make houses into homes with new repair program

Sep 19, 2024 | 2:45 PM

Habitat for Humanity Red Deer is launching a new service, the Critical Repairs Program, to support lower-income central Alberta homeowners by repairing critical health and safety issues in their homes.

Habitat Red Deer will be completing the repairs alongside qualified local trade partners and companies. Representatives say this program will extend the liveability of existing homes, allowing more individuals and families to have a safe and decent place to live.

“By assisting homeowners with lower incomes to resolve serious structural, health and safety deficiencies or accessibility modifications, Habitat Red Deer will enable families and individuals to remain safely housed while improving older housing assets and helping people age in place. We will focus on helping homeowners who don’t have other financial options to complete serious home repairs,” explains Habitat CEO Karen Vavrek.

The program officially launches on Wednesday, October 2. Virtual community information sessions are scheduled for 12 p.m. and 6 p.m. that day via Zoom. On October 3, there will be an in-person session at 6 p.m. at Crossroads Church. These will all provide general information about the program, including homeowner eligibility and the application process.

The information sessions are free to attend and interested homeowners as well as organizations interested in becoming partners or program supporters are encouraged to attend.

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