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up for debate SEPT. 16

Review of Community Development Grants Policy sought by Red Deer city councillor

Sep 3, 2024 | 9:27 PM

City Councillor Dianne Wyntjes is asking her council colleagues to consider reviewing the City’s Community Development Grants Policy so an operational funding stream can be opened to community organizations.

At the Sept. 3 regular meeting of city council, Wyntjes read a notice for motion that, if approved by council, would direct administration to present options to accomplish her goal by Q1 of 2025.

“This provides council to review the policy just to see if we can create that stream for organizations to be able to apply to,” Wyntjes said. “It is more available to get program funding and generosity – in terms of sponsorships – for programs, but not for operations.”

The operational funding stream would be in addition to existing emergency and program funding for community organizations.

She said this is a fitting time to bring the motion to the table as the November budget debate is quickly approaching, and that this should be discussed alongside the other budget considerations.

Wyntjes’s motion also calls on council to direct the Office of the Mayor and Council to request that the Government of Alberta review its community grant program to ensure there is consideration for adequate operational funding in addition to existing funding at the provincial level.

The motion asks for the same advocacy to be advanced through Alberta Municipalities with help from administration.

“People don’t want to give funds to keep the lights on and that’s been a challenge we’ve seen since I think 2021 or 2022,” she said. “I think it’s important that we have a conversation to be able to look at that, to be able to perhaps support our community organizations.”

Operational funding typically goes toward staffing, rent, supplies, and other related costs.

The motion is expected to return to council for consideration in the Sept. 16 regular meeting.

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