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Red Deer River. (ID 7229509 © Hdsidesign | Dreamstime.com)

Alberta calling for proposals to study feasibility of water reservoir near Ardley

Aug 26, 2024 | 3:27 PM

The Government of Alberta is requesting proposals to assess the feasibility of building a potential new reservoir on the Red Deer River near Ardley in an effort to help fight future droughts and water shortages.

As central Alberta continues to grow, demand from communities and businesses for water is also increasing. Officials say expanding water storage capacity in the region could potentially help reduce the risk of future droughts or water shortages and support a strong economy for years to come.

“Central Alberta is a thriving region and we need to make sure that water is available to meet its growing needs. This feasibility study will help determine whether an Ardley reservoir can be built and operated for a cost that provides true value to Albertans, while keeping central Alberta communities and industries growing for years to come,” says Minister of Environment and Protected Areas Rebecca Schulz.

Reservoirs can play a vital role in irrigation, drought management, water security and flood protection. Alberta’s government owns and operates several large reservoirs in the South Saskatchewan River Basin that try to ensure sufficient water supplies to meet demand from communities, irrigators and businesses, while also maintaining a healthy aquatic environment, officials say.

Budget 2024 allocated $4.5 million to explore creating a new reservoir on the Red Deer River, at a dam site about 40 kilometres east of the City of Red Deer. The feasibility study will look at whether a new dam near Ardley can be designed, constructed and operated for a cost that provides value to Albertans and the economy, including benefits to irrigation, drought management, water security and flood protection.

The deadline for qualified vendors to submit their proposal to complete this study is September 30 at 2 p.m. The Ardley feasibility study is expected to be completed by March 31, 2026.

The feasibility study will include, but is not limited to, the following deliverables:

  • Desktop technical assessment of the project, study area, and previous studies.
  • Development, review and refinement of proposed conceptual dam options.
  • Identification of key stakeholders for engagement, and support for engagement and a site visit.
  • A detailed site investigation.
  • A detailed conceptual design, geotechnical investigation and hydrotechnical assessment.
  • A detailed cost benefit analysis.
  • An assessment of environmental and regulatory requirements.

Once the feasibility study is complete, the government will determine whether to pursue this project and proceed with detailed engineering and design work, and regulatory approvals.


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