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Alberta Crop Report: Conditions as of Aug. 20

Aug 24, 2024 | 7:03 PM

The Central Region is at 12 per cent completion of harvest, according to the latest Alberta Crop Report for Aug. 20.

That’s five percentage points better than the region’s five-year average, and puts the region well ahead of most others.

Just a week ago, it was at 2.7 per cent, languishing behind the South Region with the others.

Conditions are currently rated as good to excellent in 21 per cent of the region, which is well behind the others.

AFSC notes that precipitation averaged less than two millimetres in eastern areas of the South and Central regions, and ranged between 3-30 mm in the rest — also less than most other areas.

This continues the trend of low to near normal precipitation for the season.

The Central also has the highest percentage of poor surface soil moisture at 38.6 per cent, with the next highest at 29.4 per cent in the North West.

The five-year average for Alberta is 22.6 per cent poor, and the 10-year average is 19.7 per cent poor.

Figures for ‘fair’ soil moisture are also higher than the 5- and 10-year averages, while ‘good’ is slightly below the averages, and excellent is far below.

Tame hay conditions across the province are also not faring well against the 5- and 10-year averages.

Region Two summary: Central (Rimbey, Airdrie, Coronation, Oyen)

• While harvest is 12 per cent complete and ahead of the historical averages, recent rain showers have slowed down harvest. Wheat and barley are currently being desiccated. Heavy dew overnight and high humidity have made it hard for crops to dry down.

• Some areas reported more than 25 mm of moisture while some received none. This was enough to increase surface soil moisture and sub-surface soil moisture by 2 and 5 per cent, respectively. Some areas also reported hail. Surface (subsurface) soil moisture is rated 39 (49) per cent poor, 32 (33) per cent fair, 29 (17) per cent good, 1 (1) per cent excellent and 0 (0) per cent excessive.

• Rain has given pasture and harvest an extra boost to continue growing as producers await a second cut

The full crop report can be viewed here.

Data in this report is compiled by the AFSC and the Government of Alberta.

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