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(rdnewsNOW/Sheldon Spackman)
stressed out

Heat and lack of rain affecting crops: Alberta Crop Report

Jul 20, 2024 | 10:41 AM

Hot temperatures and minimal rain are stressing many crops around the province, according to the latest Alberta Crop Report for July 16.

The heat is having a particular impact on canola, while others are coming out of flowering prematurely or dropping tillers.

More hot weather this week will only exacerbate the situation.

Regional assessment for Central Alberta (Region 2)

  • Excessive heat has been hard on crops, affecting flowering/podding and dropping tillers. Conditions are now rated at 62 per cent good to excellent compared to 77 per cent last week.
  • Some areas received spotty showers that helped surface soil moisture increase from 58 per cent good to excellent to 60 per cent. However, it was not enough to improve sub-surface soil moisture, which decreased from 29 per cent good to excellent to 20 per cent this week.
  • The west central part of the region has received some showers, which has made baling cut hay difficult. However, 59 per cent of first cut hay has been baled, averaging 1.5 tons per acre.

Central region also has, by far, the lowest sub-surface soil moisture, with just 20 per cent good to excellent.

With respect to tame hay, the Central has 43 per cent at good to excellent, also the lowest of all five regions; and the same goes for pasture conditions, with the Central experiencing 56 per cent at good to excellent

The report goes on to say that though crops are progressing quickly, staging is on track with 5- and 10-year averages.

The entire crop report for July 16 can be read here.

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