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(rdnewsNOW/Ashley Lavallee-Koenig)

Mustard Seed shares needs at pancake breakfast

Jul 18, 2024 | 10:06 AM

The Red Deer Mustard Seed hosted clients and community members at a pancake breakfast on July 18, where senior director of food services Laura Giesbrecht shared on the current needs of the organization.

Recently, the Mustard Seed faced an emergent water shortage and Red Deerians stepped up to help the situation.

“We are OK for now; we actually received quite a few donations. I was so Impressed with our community, and with these temperatures looking like they’re going to be 35 for the rest of this coming week I know that we’ll likely need more water,” Griesbecht said.

In addition to water, the organization could use hygiene items like toilet paper, toothbrushes, soaps and shampoos, as well as sunscreen, bug spray, and other seasonally appropriate items.

Additionally, Griesbecht said that they could use some volunteers for their Evening Meal program.

“Volunteers can either come in individually or as groups to help prepare and serve our evening meals, as well as serve at our coffee counter or help bag snacks, things like that,” she explained.

Griesbecht also thanked the community for their ongoing support during the organization’s times of need.

The breakfast event was organized to show support for Westerner Days, and to communicate the organization’s efforts to create safe spaces for its guests to be involved in community events, she said.

Related: Water bottle crisis at The Mustard Seed

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