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AHS shares tips to beat the heat and avoid a medical emergency

Jul 9, 2024 | 12:06 PM

With almost all of Alberta facing a heat warning, Alberta Health Services (AHS) shares some precautions residents can take to keep themselves and their loved ones safe as they try to enjoy the outdoors this summer.

Heat stress can be caused by UV radiation, temperature, and humidity. AHS recommends checking in on individuals that are socially isolated or living without air conditioning. Older adults, infants, pregnant women, and people with underlying health conditions are particularly sensitive to this kind of extreme heat.

Heat stroke is a life-threatening medical emergency that requires medical attention as soon as possible, AHS says. Symptoms include confusion, severe restlessness or anxiety, nausea and vomiting, a fast heart rate, lack of sweat, dizziness, fainting, or unconsciousness.

Here are a few ways to avoid the heat this summer:

Keeping cool at home

  • Close your blinds or curtains and use awnings and shutters.
  • Do activities early or later in the day when it is cooler.
  • Use air conditioning if possible. If you don’t have air conditioning, go into the basement or visit a cool location, such as a shopping centre or library.
  • Take frequent cool showers or baths and apply a cold towel to your neck.

Keeping cool outdoors

  • Plan a place to take breaks in the shade to cool off.
  • Drink lots of water and other non-alcoholic, non-caffeinated beverages to stay hydrated.
  • Avoid strenuous activities if possible.

Pay attention to your pets

  • Make sure they have fresh water and keep them out of the heat as much as possible.
  • Never leave a pet unattended in a vehicle.
  • Brush your pets coat to promote air circulation. Do not shave them as their fur protects them from the sun.
  • Use a spray bottle to give pets a cool misting.
  • Walk pets on the grass if possible and take walks during cooler times of the day.

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