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June 25, 2024

Chinook’s Edge board highlights

Jun 28, 2024 | 12:52 PM

Board discusses provincial announcement regarding cell phones and social media

The board received a presentation from Jason Drent, Associate Superintendent, about the division’s planned approach to implementing government requirements announced last week regarding student use of cell phones, other smart devices and social media in schools starting in September 2024. The board heard that most of the division’s schools are closely aligned with minimum provincial requirements. The government has asked for a policy to be in place by January 2025. The board will develop the policy in consultation with staff, students and parents.

Board supportive of development of Artificial Intelligence administrative procedure

The board reviewed an administrative procedure to guide the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in schools and in the division. The purpose of the procedure is to guide the ethical, safe, and effective integration of AI technologies in schools, with an objective to leverage AI to enhance the quality of education, personalize learning experience, improve educational outcomes, and prepare students for a future increasingly shaped by AI technologies. A key goal is to prepare students for success in their personal and academic endeavors, as well as thrive in a world where AI plays a central role in shaping our society and economy.

Board approves three new academies for Hugh Sutherland School in Carstairs

The Board approved Hugh Sutherland School’s (HSS) request to offer three academies in the fall: hockey, dance / cheer, and STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math). According to the HSS application: “School academies offer a dynamic and unique learning experience that extends beyond the traditional classroom. Unlike standard elective courses, academies provide in-depth exploration of a specific field, catering to [a student’s] unique interests and aspirations.” The board also approved a locally developed course that will assist HSS: Design Thinking for Innovation which can be offered at the Grade 10, 11, and 12 levels.

Chinook’s Edge will implement Hour Zero in 2024-25

Trustees received a regular and annual update regarding health and safety. A significant focus for Chinook’s Edge for the 2024-25 school year will be the implementation of Hour Zero, which is a school emergency response system. The program provides training and support for staff, and aligns language and processes in emergency situations with those used by emergency responders. The board heard the division has completed its annual work to ensure the health and safety of staff and students in division facilities.

Trustees elect Chair, and two Vice-Chairs

During its annual organizational meeting, trustees re-elected Holly Bilton as Chair. The board elected De Anne Hutchison as first Vice-Chair, and Melissa Copley as second Vice-Chair. Trustees also determined who will serve on board committees for the coming year.

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