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Stettler Town and County pursue physician recruitment

Jun 27, 2024 | 1:08 PM

Following a joint meeting on June 20, 2024, elected officials from the County of Stettler and Town of Stettler have informally agreed to adopt and implement urgent physician recruitment measures.

The Town and County say they have both held discussions with Alberta Health Services representatives about the challenges faced in attracting and retaining physicians to the community. Municipal officials say potential solutions could include red tape reduction and updated physician compensation models to make practicing in a rural area more enticing.

“Health care and access to health care is crucial for the long term sustainability and independence of our region. We will continue to advocate and work through this doctor shortage crisis with our partners, and seek solutions to ensure essential care is being provided and always available to our residents and visitors,” says County of Stettler Reeve Larry Clarke.

Officials say the immediate course of action is to actively recruit general practitioners, with a special consideration for physicians whose practice will include anesthesia and child delivery.

“We’ve been working with our partners at the County of Stettler to incentivize physicians to not only bring their skills to Stettler, but to be welcomed and become meaningful members of our community. We are all in agreement that crisis measures are needed at this time, and are committing to work together to get through this emergent shortage,” says Sean Nolls, mayor of the Stettler.

Initial initiatives are considered a crisis response to the region’s current physician shortage and are planned to be reassessed for success on an ongoing basis. Officials say once the community’s healthcare condition has stabilized, the region expects to focus on long-term planning for recruitment and retention using holistic and forward-thinking strategies built around the attractive benefits of joining the community.

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