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Federal grant will advance innovation at Red Deer Polytechnic

Jun 23, 2024 | 11:00 AM

Red Deer Polytechnic is receiving a federal grant it applied for to advance applied research and scientific discovery.

The Applied Research Tools and Instruments (ARTI) grant from the Government of Canada is worth over $170,000.

RDP’s application was entitled Materials Characterization Facility for Metal and Ceramic Additive Manufacturing Assessment.

The grant will help the Polytechnic purchase an optical microscope and metallurgical sample preparation equipment to optimize the 3D binder jetting printing process in the Polytechnic’s Centre for Innovation in Manufacturing -Technology Access Centre (CIM-TAC).

“We are grateful for this investment from the Government of Canada to help advance our applied research capacity, addressing more industrial challenges and contributing to the prosperity of Alberta,” says Dr. Tonya Wolfe, Associate Vice President, Applied Research. “This grant will also help to enhance teaching and learning at Red Deer Polytechnic and amplify knowledge throughout industry and communities.”

According to RDP, the CIM-TAC houses the ExOne Innovent+, a binder jet 3D printer for metal, ceramics and composites, which has a variety of industrial applications that include aerospace, automotive and health care. While the ExOne Innovent+ has tremendous capabilities, an optical microscope and metallurgical sample preparation equipment will increase its effectiveness in fabricating ceramics and high alloy steels.

Red Deer Polytechnic’s grant is one of 54 recently announced federal ARTI grants collectively worth $9.4 million.

Since 2009, more than 400 industrial projects have been completed in the CIM-TAC to support industry and the province’s economy.

A recently announced investment from the Government of Alberta will see it expand from 15,000 to 25,000 square feet, with construction beginning in 2025.

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