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Provincial government invests in Indigenous access to health care

Jun 21, 2024 | 1:29 PM

Working with Indigenous partners, the Government of Alberta is investing in two grants geared towards Indigenous access to health care in an effort to remove barriers faced by First Nations, Métis and Inuit people in accessing primary health care that aligns with cultural needs.

The province will invest a total of $27.1 million into the Indigenous Primary Health Care Innovation Fund (Innovation Fund) and the Indigenous Patient Navigator Program (Patient Navigator Program).

“There is a significant amount of work we must do to rebuild trust with Indigenous Peoples – they face many challenges in accessing care, which has a profound impact on their health outcomes. Improving access to primary care is an important step for optimizing health. We are proud to provide funding so Indigenous communities can partner in the design and delivery of culturally safe care and improve the health of individuals, families and communities,” says Minister of Health Adriana LaGrange.

Over two years, $20 million of the total will be invested to support eligible projects under the Innovation Fund. This fund supports programs and services that improve community capacity and health equity in ways that honour and respect Indigenous expertise, knowledge and traditional healing. These include research, evaluation and assessment of primary care models, capital projects and investments, and programs to support health promotion and disease prevention.

The chosen recipients for this fund are the First Nations Technical Services Advisory Group Inc., which will use the money to expand its Alberta Indigenous Virtual Care Clinic, and the Métis Nation of Alberta, where it will be used to expand its Medical Travel Program.

The remaining $7.1 million will support the Patient Navigator Program. This program is intended to address the immediate challenges facing Indigenous patients, communities and organizations by providing financial support to First Nation, Métis and Inuit partners, and Indigenous-serving organizations. This funding is expected to allow organizations to help reduce barriers to accessing primary care services across multiple service providers, support patient advocacy, increase access to resources and improve care co-ordination.

Over three years, the following organizations will receive up to $450,000 each in funding from this grant:

  • Bearspaw First Nation
  • Cold Lake First Nation
  • Dene Tha’ First Nation
  • Edson Friendship Centre
  • Elizabeth Métis Settlement
  • First Nations Technical Services Advisory Group Inc.
  • High Level Native Friendship Centre Society
  • Ihkapaswka Collective
  • Kee Tas Kee Now Tribal Council
  • Lubicon Lake First Nation
  • Métis Nation of Alberta (MNA)
  • Métis Settlements General Council (MSGC)
  • NiGiNan Housing Ventures
  • O’Chiese First Nation
  • Paul First Nation
  • Peavine Metis Settlement
  • Siksika Health Services
  • Stoney Nakoda – Tsuut’ina Tribal Council Ltd.

“Thanks to Alberta Health, the Alberta Indigenous Virtual Care Clinic (AIVCC), a virtual primary care clinic, will address the high number of unattached patients across Alberta by strengthening existing health care relationships and creating opportunities to build relationships with local physicians to promote equitable care for Indigenous populations,” says Michelle Hoeber, e-health manager and AIVCC clinic manager for the First Nations Technical Services Advisory Group Inc.

Alberta is home to about 284,500 Indigenous people, representing 6.8 per cent of Alberta’s population. From 2016 to 2021, Alberta’s Indigenous population grew at twice the rate as the province’s total population.

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