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May 2022 Incident

Trial dates set for Red Deer man charged in stolen guns seizure and business break-in

Jun 19, 2024 | 1:32 PM

Trial dates have been set for one of two Red Deer men charged following the seizure of stolen guns and other items following a local business break-in two years ago.

Trevor Legge, 41, is scheduled for trial in Red Deer Court of Justice from May 20-21, 2025.

His co-accused, Jacob Courtemanche, 26, was sentenced in Red Deer Court of Justice on April 28, 2023, to 1,241 days in custody after pleading guilty to several counts against him.

It was on the morning of May 19, 2022, when police say three unidentified suspects were involved in a break and enter of a firearms supplier in Red Deer County. RCMP say multiple firearms and other items were stolen from the business.

Mounties further noted the stolen vehicles used in the break and enter were identified by Red Deer RCMP’s Crime Reduction Team (CRT).

Later that day, members located one of the stolen vehicles associated to the break and enter and observed two occupants enter a building in the Edgar Industrial area. When the Emergency Response Team (ERT) and Police Dog Service (PDS) were deployed to the building, the two suspects fled, but were apprehended a short time later without incident, say RCMP.

On May 20, 2022, search warrants were executed at three separate locations in Red Deer, including a commercial building on Edgar Industrial Drive, an apartment building in Johnstone Park, and a residence in West Park.

As a result of these search warrants, Red Deer RCMP members seized several of the stolen firearms, a stolen vehicle, utility trailer, and side by side UTV.

As a result of the investigation, two suspects were arrested and charged.

Trevor Legge was charged with:

  • Possession of property obtained by crime over $5000
  • Possession of a firearm when unauthorized
  • Possession of restricted firearm with ammunition without licence
  • Weapons possession contrary to order
  • Unsafe storage of firearms
  • Fail to comply with release order

Jacob Courtemanche was charged with:

  • Possession of property obtained by crime less than $5000 (x2)
  • Weapons possession contrary to order (x2)
  • Possession of a firearm when unauthorized
  • Careless use of a firearm
  • Possession of a controlled substance (x2)
  • Fail to comply with probation order
  • Fail to comply with release order

Related: Red Deer man sentenced in local stolen guns seizure and business break-in incident

Related: Trial dates set for second man charged in business break-in and stolen firearms seizure

Related: Trial set for man charged in business break-in and stolen firearms seizure

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