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Next Generation Economy Initiative Project launches in Olds

Jun 15, 2024 | 12:07 PM

Funding through the federal PrairiesCan program will help launch the new Next Generation Economy Initiative Project (NGEI) in Olds, Alberta.

An announcement was made Friday with the Town, Invest Olds, and Community Futures Central Alberta (CFCA).

The purpose of the project is to establish new supports for the NGEI and local business sector, with the ultimate goal in increasing business capacity, retention and expansion in the Olds region.

“This is an exciting partnership and an exciting time for our community and regional. This is the first of many partnerships to come in the following months as we roll out the NGEI,” says Sandra Blyth, economic development manager, Invest Olds.

“Olds is a community that supports regional collaboration and as Mayor [Judy] Dahl said, ‘We are truly the sum of our individual parts meaning growth of our neighbours also means growth in the town of Olds.'”

The celebration event Friday also featured the launch of the Regional Business Support Network (RBSN), which will operate out of the municipality’s office, with shared positions between the partners.

Staff will work with business owners and start-ups to increase capacity, and provide access to resources like the CFCA’s training and financing.

“This project will benefit new and existing business owners by providing great business expertise in the Olds area,” says Kelly Kierluk, general manager, CFCA.

“It will also allow Community Future Central Alberta to offer more resources to entrepreneurs through local one-on-one guidance and advice.”

More information is at investolds.ca.

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