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(rdnewsNOW/Sheldon Spackman)
Conditions As Of June 11, 2024

Alberta Crop Report: June 14

Jun 14, 2024 | 5:22 PM

Seeding is practically complete in the Central Region, and crop emergence is progressing smoothly.

That according to the latest crop report from Agriculture Financial Services Corporation (AFSC) and the Government of Alberta.

Officials say emergence for major crops is at 92 per cent, matching the 5-year average of 92 per cent and ahead of the 10-year average of 90 per cent.

There were scattered showers throughout most of the region accompanied by high gusts of wind. The strong winds depleted moisture levels, and crops will soon need rain to continue growth.

Sub-surface moisture rating is 11 per cent poor, 43 per cent fair, 45 per cent good, 1 per cent excellent, and 0 per cent excessive.

Tame hay conditions are reported as 3 per cent poor, 27 per cent fair, 70 per cent good, and 0 per cent excellent.

Elsewhere, officials say seeding is virtually complete across the province. Final seeding efforts in the Central, North East, and North West regions slowed due to rainfall over the last week. The rains were accompanied by persistent strong winds through most of the province, leading to an overall reduction in surface soil moisture in all areas but the Peace Region. Crop growth is off to a good start, with the South Region in need of timely rains while the rest of the province needs warmer temperatures.

The provincial emergence of major crops this week is in line with historical averages, with expectations that crops would be progressing faster if not for persistent cooler temperatures. The emergence of major crops across the province is reported at 86 per cent, which matches both the 5- and 10-year average of 86 per cent. Regionally, emergence of major crops is behind historical averages in the South and North East regions, while emergence is ahead in the Peace, North West, and Central regions. Regional emergence of major crops is reported at 85 per cent for the South Region, 92 per cent for the Central Region, 83 per cent for the North East Region, 88 per cent for the North West Region and 83 per cent for the Peace Region.

Despite the recent precipitation, surface soil moisture ratings in all regions of the province declined except for the Peace. Provincial surface soil moisture good-to-excellent ratings are reported as 66 per cent, above the 5-year average of 59 per cent and the 10-year average of 62 per cent. Regional surface soil moisture good-to-excellent ratings (change from last week) are reported at 48 (-13) per cent in the South Region, 61 (-18) per cent for the Central Region, 89 (-4) per cent for the North East Region, 80 (-2) per cent for the North West Region, and 79 (+10) per cent for the Peace Region.

Sub-surface soil moisture ratings over the last week declined across all regions of the province. Provincial sub-surface moisture good-to-excellent ratings were reported as 58 per cent, which is between the 5-year average of 55 per cent and the 10-year average of 60 per cent. Regional sub-surface soil moisture good-to-excellent ratings (change from last week) are reported as 48 (-7) per cent in the South Region, 46 (-14) per cent for the Central Region, 74 (-3) per cent for the North East Region, 68 (-4) per cent for the North West Region, and 81 (-2) per cent for the Peace Region. Improved pasture growth conditions over the past few weeks have resulted in noticeable plant growth, resulting in reports of cows being turned out to pasture this week. Growth conditions for pasture this week are stabilizing across the province, with provincial good-to-excellent growth conditions reported as 69 per cent, a 4 per cent decrease over last week while still ahead of the 5-year average of 54 per cent. Regional pasture good-to-excellent growth conditions (change from last week) are reported as 62 (-1) per cent for the South Region, 73 (-11) per cent for the Central Region, 77 (+1) per cent for the North East Region, 80 (-6) per cent for the North West Region, and 54 (+9) per cent for the Peace Region.

Tame hay growth conditions also appear to be stabilizing, with a provincial good-to-excellent rating of 68 per cent which is 3 per cent lower than last week while still higher than the 5-year average of 56 per cent for this week. Regional tame hay good-to-excellent growth conditions (change from last week) are reported as 64 (no change) per cent for the South Region, 70 (-16) per cent for the Central Region, 72 (+3) per cent for the North East Region, 81 (-5) per cent for the North West Region, and 53 (+9) per cent for the Peace Region.

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