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Town of Sylvan Lake to hold public hearing on secondary suites bylaw

Jun 12, 2024 | 2:21 PM

The town council of Sylvan Lake has passed first reading of an amendment to the Land Use Bylaw regarding secondary suite allowances in the area.

On June 10, council was presented with three potential options regarding the expansion of secondary suite developments in the community and opted to pass first reading and bring the matter to a public hearing, which will occur on July 8.

Secondary suite development was raised as an option to aid in addressing the town’s 2.1 per cent vacancy rate, which has decreased from its 2022 value of 4.9 per cent. Through the Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF), the Town aims to have 26 new secondary suites built by the end of January 2027.

Currently, secondary suites are a discretionary use, meaning that applications needed to be submitted and circulated to surrounding land owners for their input, which increases permit approval time. Other barriers include a requirement that there be three lots separating secondary suite units and a 10 per cent neighbourhood density cap.

On May 1, administration presented recommended amendments to the Land Use Bylaw to council for input. Input from council was then used to guide the proposed bylaw changes, which were presented to the public at an open house on May 29.

Potential amendments could include removing the three lot separation requirement, increasing the density cap to 30 per cent, allowing the suites in a greater variety of housing types and districts, or removing the minimum lot width criteria.

About 20-25 people attended the open house. Comments raised included senior interest in using a secondary suite to help them afford their current residence, as well as a need for more affordable housing options for seniors; inquiries about developing garage suites; concerns over parking space requirements, and other inquiries.

Details for residents regarding the upcoming hearing are expected to be published in the News Hub tab of the Town’s website on June 20.

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