A new online dashboard to view The City’s progress
To improve transparency, share information and report progress on the Strategic Plan, The City of Red Deer says it has developed a publicly viewable online dashboard featuring more than one hundred indicators.
Officials say the dashboard is divided by the three Strategic Plan focus areas: Thriving City, Community Health & Wellbeing and Engaged & Connected City. Each focus area contains associated outcomes and their respective indicators.
This is the first time The City says it has developed a formal monitoring and reporting process to measure progress and report back to the community on successes and challenges. In many cases, City officials note 2023 was the beginning of this process and therefore baseline data was collected.
“Currently, citizens can view our annual metrics for 2023, and the dashboard will be updated quarterly, and annually as new data is submitted on an ongoing basis,” said Tara Lodewyk, City Manager. “Our goal is to increase transparency by sharing the numbers and data that influences municipal decision making.”