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May 24, 2024

Sports Hall of Fame welcomes 2024 inductees

May 22, 2024 | 11:37 AM

The latest group of inductees to the Alberta Sports Hall of Fame will be celebrated on May 24 at the Red Deer Polytechnic Cenovus Energy Learning Common.

The 12 individuals receiving the honour of being an athlete, builder, or pioneer hail from across the province.

“Our job at the Alberta Sports Hall of Fame is to preserve and to share Alberta’s sporting history,” says Marketing and Communications Coordinater Casidy Colling. “The purpose of this induction ceremony and all our induction ceremonies is to add new people, help share their stories, help inspire kids and adults all over Alberta and all over the country… just show them what Alberta can do in terms of sports.”

This year’s group includes some notable firsts such as Shelley Vettese being the first Taekwondo athlete to be recognized, and Julius Fodor being recognized as a builder for handball.

Chris McGregor will also be recognized as an athlete for his horse racing while Tom Three Persons and John Utendale will be recognized as pioneers for rodeo and hockey, respectively. The other eight individuals will be inducted as builders.

“It’s really special to know that they’re being recognized. A lot of people don’t necessarily see this coming, sometimes they know about their nomination, sometimes they don’t — it just depends, but it’s a really special thing,” Colling says.

Doors will open at 5:30 p.m., and the ceremony will begin at 6:30 p.m.. Those who wish to attend may still get tickets, or can participate in the wine tree raffle or silent auction. It’s estimated roughly 300 people will attend the event.

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