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Carnival Cinemas lot approved for rezoning

May 14, 2024 | 9:46 AM

An application to have the Carnival Cinema plot rezoned to a primarily residential district was approved in its second and third readings in city council’s May 13 public hearing.

During the hearing, council discussed the benefits and potential drawbacks of amending the Land Use Bylaw and Capstone Area Redevelopment Plan to rezone 5402 47 Street from CAP-TD Capstone Taylor Drive District to CAP-PR Capstone Primarily Residential District.

The amendment was passed unanimously on both its second and third reading.

The building’s owner, Bill Ramji, submitted the initial application and has plans to redevelop it into an apartment building, with the option of commercial services for future residents being developed nearby.

READ: Carnival Cinemas applies to rezone for residential development

With the facility residing in the Capstone neighbourhood, city councillor Kraymer Barnstable asked if pursuing a primarily residential district might cause the neighbourhood to lose commercial opportunities.

READ: City says project ground-breaking brings confidence to downtown Red Deer and anchors community vision

Senior Planner Kimberly Fils-Aime confirmed that the new district still offers mixed-use parameters that would allow for future commercial opportunities.

Mayor Ken Johnston shared his appreciation for Ramji’s persistence. “You have really been diligent, and so professional. This is a difficult repurposing of your property, so it’s exciting we can now give back and add to your plans,” he said.

Ramji was the only speaker at the hearing and used the opportunity to express his gratitude that his application was moving forward.

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