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Stuart Cullum expands on the opportunities presented by the government's investment in the Centre for Innovation in Manufacturing. (rdnewsNOW/Ashley Lavallee-Koenig)

Red Deer Polytechnic receives CIM-TAC expansion investment

May 10, 2024 | 3:11 PM

The provincial government has finalized an investment of $12.9 million to expand the Centre for Innovation in Manufacturing Technology Access Centre (CIM-TAC) at Red Deer Polytechnic (RDP).

This funding was originally announced in February as part of Budget 2024.

CIM-TAC is an applied research and innovation centre that gives companies access to state-of-the-art prototyping and manufacturing equipment, along with a multi-disciplinary team with the expertise to turn brilliant ideas into market-ready products.

“Investing in this expansion of CIM-TAC will give students at RDP access to cutting-edge technology and skills to succeed in the economy of tomorrow,” says Minister of Advanced Education Rajan Sawhney. “The strategic investments we’re making in Budget 2024 are part of a forward-looking path to support the goals of our post-secondary institutions, grow Alberta’s economy and create jobs.”

The expanded facility is expected to grow to provide work-integrated learning opportunities for an estimated 450 post-secondary students, and training through workshops and events to an additional 2,000 students annually by 2030. Additionally, more than 500 junior and senior high school students are expected to take part in dual credit programs at the CIM-TAC.

Construction is set to begin in 2025 and will add 10,000 square feet to the facility’s space.

The CIM-TAC currently houses $7.6 million of advanced manufacturing equipment. (Josh Hall / rdnewsNOW)

“We work in a range of market sectors, both with entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized businesses, to some multinationals in the areas of oil and gas, alternative energy generation systems, agriculture and veterinary care, consumer goods, and our growing sector in medical device manufacturing,” explains Tonya Wolfe, associate vice president for applied research at RDP.

Wash-Bots Canada is one organization that has successfully worked with the facility, with the partnership resulting in increased efficiency, lighter weight, and the addition of automation components for their solar panel washers, says Wolfe.

“Through these public investments, RDP is further equipped to support trades expansion within the province” says Stuart Cullum, president of RDP. “In the weeks ahead, RDP will be launching a central Alberta trade strategy. The intent is to work closely with industry and government to assess what is needed to support the growth of trades talent within the region.”

Designs for the expansion will be announced at a later date.

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