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Mental Health Week 2024 urges Canadians to have compassion

May 8, 2024 | 2:09 PM

The Canadian Mental Health Association’s (CMHA) annual Mental Health Week takes place May 6-12, with a focus on “healing through compassion.”

“Compassion is not only for others, it’s for ourselves. Empathy is putting yourself in others’ shoes and feeling for them, and compassion is taking it that one step further and taking that action to do something about it — to nurture someone, to do an act of kindness,” explains Giselle Crawford, executive director for CMHA Central Alberta.

The theme addresses echoes left from the COVID pandemic and subsequent lockdowns.

According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, an average of 12 people die by suicide in Canada per day. During the COVID-19 pandemic, suicide rates were three times higher for males than females.

“People are really lacking relationship and lacking that connection with one another, and when we’re removing ourselves from one another, we’re forgetting to be compassionate to each other,” says Crawford.

For Red Deerians, Crawford stresses that they consider the big picture when interacting with community members struggling with homelessness or addiction.

“Someone we may see people experiencing homelessness, but we don’t know how that happened or what led to that,” she says. “Choosing that kindness and choosing to see them through a compassionate lens can be really impactful and change the whole feeling for our city and our community in just five minutes.”

Another way residents can easily participate is to act with kindness as they move through the world, even if it’s just a smile shared with a stranger, or a conversation with a neighbour.

“Those are all things that can just spark that kindness and compassion,” Crawford says. “I think people think it needs to be something big, but it’s that connection piece that we’re all lacking still and needing to focus on.”

People may also make donations to the CMHA by visiting this year’s partner, Nutters Everyday Naturals, where they may round up their purchase or donate at the checkout. Funds raised will be distributed to CMHA branches across Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan.

Crawford also noted that the central Alberta chapter’s Crisis Counselling Services have resumed. The service is free and available by walk-in or by phone for those in acute distress.

“We are here, we serve all of central Alberta, and we are available to help people in any way they might need to support their mental health,” she says. “If you’re struggling in any way and you’re not sure where to go, give us a call and if we can’t serve you, we’ll be sure to connect you to the right resource. No one has to be alone.”

To learn more, visit https://cmhareddeer.ca/.

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