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Minister of Justice, Mickey Amery. (Government of Alberta)

Improving justice services for Red Deer families

Apr 18, 2024 | 11:22 AM

The following is a Letter to the Editor submitted by Minister of Justice, Mickey Amery.

“Alberta’s government is investing $3 million in Budget 2024 to help people in Red Deer resolve family law issues.

“At some point in their lives, many Albertans will need help from the legal system to deal with a family law matter, like separation, divorce, or child support. The current family justice system is complex and can be difficult for Albertans to navigate.

“As Alberta’s Justice Minister, I recognize the struggle Albertans have had with the family justice system, and improving access to justice for families is a priority for this government.

“To make things easier for families, Alberta’s government has worked with the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta and the Alberta Court of Justice on developing a simplified, streamlined, and integrated approach to family justice. Through the Family Justice Strategy, Albertans can access pre-court services, like mediation and family court counsellors, as a first step when they are seeking a divorce, or working to resolve spousal support, parenting or child support issues. These services help people work through their family law issues in a way that focuses on the well-being of the family and, in some cases, these services can help families avoid the court process altogether.

“The Family Justice Strategy will be expanding to Red Deer, thanks to an additional $3 million investment through Budget 2024 to make it easier for families in Red Deer and surrounding communities to deal with family law matters.

“The strategy which launched in Calgary and Edmonton in December 2023 with $5 million in funding for expanded pre-court services are already showing early signs of success, as more people are engaging with and resolving their issues through pre-court services like dispute resolution programs.

“The $3 million investment in Red Deer will be used to enhance and expand pre-court services, like family court counsellors, family mediators, and information services staff. New mandatory requirements like education for parents, exploring dispute resolution options, and access to family court counsellors will support Albertans in resolving their concerns without appearing in court, when possible. Additional services can help make sure there are enough resources to meet the expected increase in demand once the requirements are in place, early in 2025. Planning and engagement to prepare for implementation will begin immediately, with new staff and programs becoming available in the fall and a full launch in Red Deer early in 2025.

“We want to help reduce the impact of conflict and stress on parents and children during these difficult situations. In many cases, the Family Justice Strategy can help families resolve their issues without them having to appear in court. Focusing resources on pre-court services also has the benefit of freeing up court time, as families either avoid a court appearance or better understand the process if they do go to court, allowing the court process to proceed more efficiently.

“I also want to reassure people, that pre-court service requirements can be waived in cases of emergency, so their matter can be brought to court quickly. Helping Albertans resolve issues outside the court, when possible, also allows court resources to be directed to the most urgent and complex cases, strengthening the justice system’s ability to respond to urgent matters.

“As part of efforts to improve Albertans’ experience with the family justice system, Alberta’s government also launched the Alberta Family Resolution Hub in December 2023. This online tool allows Albertans to explore their options and their next steps for addressing a family law matter without visiting a courthouse, helping them save time and resources.

“Through both the Family Justice Strategy and Alberta Family Resolution Hub, we are working to make justice more accessible for those who need to deal with a family law situation, and I remain committed to improving access and services that support Albertans with resolving their family law matters.”

EDITOR’S NOTE: The views expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of rdnewsNOW or Pattison Media. Column suggestions and letters to the editor can be sent to news@rdnewsNOW.com.

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