Province aiming to grow Alberta’s tourism and hospitality sector
Alberta’s government is launching a new immigration stream March 1 to help the province’s tourism and hospitality industry address labour gaps and challenges.
Government officials say Alberta’s tourism and hospitality sector is a key driver of economic growth and jobs throughout the province, especially in rural areas and communities outside large urban centres, while showcasing the unique experiences and welcoming hospitality that attracts visitors from around the world.
In 2022, the government says Alberta saw $10.7 billion in tourism spending, representing an increase of $600 million from 2019 levels. This growth is evidence of a full recovery from the downturn during the pandemic and puts the province on track to break visitor expenditures year over year, say provincial officials. To support the growth in Alberta’s visitor economy, the province says it is launching a new immigration stream to attract a skilled workforce to the province’s tourism and hospitality industry.