Public hearing on Red Deer’s Overdose Prevention Site open to all speakers
Red Deer city council approved that the upcoming non-statutory public hearing relating to the Overdose Prevention Site (OPS) will be open to the entire public, including beyond city limits.
At their meeting on Monday, city council debated placing limits on who could speak at the hearing on February 15.
At their previous meeting on January 22, council was supposed to consider the Notice of Motion relating to the OPS, originally put forward by Councillor Vesna Higham in December 2023. The motion requests the Government of Alberta to formalize an orderly transition of the existing OPS out of Red Deer by the end of 2024 and, to provide in its place, greater harm reduction options within the community that focus on health, wellness, and recovery. It also requests the provincial government provide grant funding to provide continuous police presence for the area in the meantime to prevent crimes and increase frontline supports for mental health and addictions.
As members of the public overflowed council chambers that day, council decided to hold a non-statutory public hearing instead, before consideration of the Notice of Motion.